Have you ever received this grace from God?  If not, may I invite you to join me in saying a prayer?  I remember the first time I prayed this prayer with sincerity.  I said something like this many times as a child but always because I thought it was the right thing to do or because I was seeking someone’s approval.  But not until December of 1990 when I was 23 did I say these words because they helped me express the true feelings of my heart.  If you pray the prayer below...send us an email...we'd love to hear from you!

“God, I now accept Jesus’ sacrifice on my behalf. I believe that He is Your one and only perfect Son, that He rose to life after dying for my sins, and that He conquered sin and death.  I believe that through Jesus and Him alone I can be reconciled to You, born into Your family as Your child. Today I make a vow, to follow Jesus for the rest of my life.  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and lead me forever in this life.  I believe that my best life is going to be lived surrendered to You and that when this life is over I will be with You forever in Heaven…Amen!”