Praxis is a word in the Greek language that translates as "deeds."


Too many people believe that God is going to judge our lives based on that one terrible failing or that one great success.  I believe this word praxis tells us God's intent.  Praxis isn't about one deed or certain deeds but rather every "deed."  Praxis are those actions and traits that characterize our lives.  What defines me?  When you add up the sum of all the parts of me, who am I?  In light of my many life roles, who is the person I have become?  If I am not wrestling with these questions then I'm not preparing for my life's most significant conversation with God when I leave this temporal world for the eternity for which I was created.  Start reading today and discover how Jesus leads us into a life of discipleship that is always looking forward to that final day when we see Him face to face!


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